الكيمياء والصيدلة > حملة CoVacSeen

ما اللَّقاح الأفضل؟

مع تعدُّد لَقاحات فيروس كورونا حول العالم من الطبيعي محاولة المقارنة بينها، لكنَّ مقارنة اللَّقاحات بمعدلات فعاليتها قد يكون مضلِّلًا..

إليكم الأسباب.

الموسيقا المستخدمة: هنا 


1. WHO - Regional office of Africa. What is COVID-19 vaccine efficacy? [Internet]. Republic of Congo: AFRO; 2021 [cited 2021 June 6]. Available from: هنا  
2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccines Work [Internet]. U.S: CDC [updated 2021 May 10;  cited 2021 June 6]. Available from: هنا  
3. Balch B. Are they safe? Which one is best? Your COVID-19 vaccine questions — answered [Internet]. U.S: Association of American Medical Colleges; 2021[cited 2021 June 6] Available from: هنا  
4. Ledford H. Why COVID vaccines are so difficult to compare. Nature [Internet]. 2021 [cited 2021 June 6];591(7848):16-7. Available from: هنا  
5. Olliaro P, Torreele E, Vaillant M. COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness—the elephant (not) in the room. The Lancet Microbe [Internet]. 2021 [2021 June 6]. Available from: هنا00069-0