List of surnames in Russia

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See Eastern Slavic naming customs for the explanation of the structure of Russian-language surnames.

A (А)[edit]

B (Б)[edit]

V (B)[edit]

G (Г)[edit]

D (Д)[edit]

Ye (Е)[edit]

Yo (Ё)[edit]

Zh (Ж)[edit]

Z (З)[edit]

I (И)[edit]

K (К)[edit]

L (Л)[edit]

M (М)[edit]

N (Н)[edit]

O (О)[edit]

P (П)[edit]

R (Р)[edit]

S (С)[edit]

T (Т)[edit]

U (У)[edit]

F (Ф)[edit]

Kh (Х)[edit]

Ts (Ц)[edit]

Ch (Ч)[edit]

Sh (Ш)[edit]

Shch (Щ)[edit]

E (Э)[edit]

Yu (Ю)[edit]

See also[edit]


  • Unbegaun, B. O. (1972). Russian Surnames. Oxford University Press.
  • (in Russian) Словарь русских фамилий
  • (in Russian) Ономастикон Веселовского
  • Yumaguzin V.V., Vinnik M.V. (2019) Surnames in modern Russia. Annals of Human Biology, 46:6, 475-490